/About Me
Welcome to the captivating journey of Travelers Art where my art comes to life in many different forms and it is very much of a discovery and exploratory process in nature. I paint using oils, water colors, acrylic and charcoal on a variety of different bases such as wood, canvas, paper and stone.
Some of my past paintings lean towards realism while my most recent work depicts a mixture of realism and surrealistic form.After my travels visiting the magnificient caves in France I have been painting a series on stone, not the usual medium for a painter, but I was inspired by my recent encounters with the ancient paintings inside the prehistoric caves of Europe.
When you think about it, those early paintings represent the birth of human creativity. It was a time the desire to paint was so great and I find the depth and understanding they had of media and mediums are fascinating in many ways. The ancient painters used berries, vegetable oils, stones and fire to produce these unforgettable paintings. That is what inspired me to explore and experiment with painting on stone. My vision and goal is to have a garden center one day that will be filled with these stone paintings.
Visit my TravelersArt website at TravelersArt to see more on my journey as an Artist.
Some of my past paintings lean towards realism while my most recent work depicts a mixture of realism and surrealistic form.After my travels visiting the magnificient caves in France I have been painting a series on stone, not the usual medium for a painter, but I was inspired by my recent encounters with the ancient paintings inside the prehistoric caves of Europe.
When you think about it, those early paintings represent the birth of human creativity. It was a time the desire to paint was so great and I find the depth and understanding they had of media and mediums are fascinating in many ways. The ancient painters used berries, vegetable oils, stones and fire to produce these unforgettable paintings. That is what inspired me to explore and experiment with painting on stone. My vision and goal is to have a garden center one day that will be filled with these stone paintings.
Visit my TravelersArt website at TravelersArt to see more on my journey as an Artist.
Discover my ART
Far away places…I enjoy the wonder of discovering and experiencing something new, something unique that gets me in the mood to paint. It happens all the time as I travel to different places and around the world seeing these hidden treasures and beauty. It’s always an adventure.At times it’s not just the scenery, it’s a moment that grabs me and is held in memory in an unforgettable way.It can be an old man sitting on a rock by the lake drinking his first cup of coffee in the morning…A young girl from a far away country dressed in colorful traditional attire carrying a basket full of flowers walking down the street.A beautiful evening sky filled with many small birds all heading in one direction into an explosion of color.The rain falling on a sunny day.When I paint for someone.. I want it to have that memory of an unforgettable moment in time. Something kept close at heart and treasured forever.
Stone Canvas ART
Stone-Canvas: Made from beautiful stone types from all over the world. These 100% stone types include Mica, Marble, Slate and Sandstone. This thin layer of stone is held together with a fiberglass backing creating a beautiful textured canvas.
Acrylic on Slate
Art on slate. Various types of slate stone